Welcome to the History section. In this section you can find how Final Frontier is created over the time and what is changed. From a free tripod account to a full domain, from 10 music videos to 400 music videos. The website of Final Frontier Media (FFM) has changed over the years. In this part of the history section I will show you just that. Images will show you how FFM looked in his early days till now. If you want the short story, please visit the Archive - Short history section. If you have any questions, please contact me.
September 25th, 2002

Rainbow coloured website
Right after creating the website I knew it wasn't good at all. Because I don't have any graphical or programming skills. I started a competition at the StarTrek.nl forum and Federation forum. I asked people if they want to create a logo and a banner for my website. This way the website looked better. I could link to other websites and they back to mine. At this time my website was hosted on one of the several tripod accounts I had. When the discussion about my website really took off, two people worked together to create a complete new look. They are Tom Lokhorst and Martin Hoogslag. They created a new one page website with cool looks, something to work with. That design I used till the year 2010. In 2010 I created a new design. You'll read more about it in this story.
Right after creating the website I knew it wasn't good at all. Because I don't have any graphical or programming skills. I started a competition at the StarTrek.nl forum and Federation forum. I asked people if they want to create a logo and a banner for my website. This way the website looked better. I could link to other websites and they back to mine. At this time my website was hosted on one of the several tripod accounts I had. When the discussion about my website really took off, two people worked together to create a complete new look. They are Tom Lokhorst and Martin Hoogslag. They created a new one page website with cool looks, something to work with. That design I used till the year 2010. In 2010 I created a new design. You'll read more about it in this story.
October 5th, 2002

This design created by Tom Lokhorst and Martin Hoogslag is the design I used for 8 years. The look of the menu, the section names, the logo and top banner and the separation beam. The language used on the website is still Dutch. The menu worked with bookmarks. Every section was a bookmark at the one-page site. A new part of the website was the section "nieuws" what stands for "news". All updates of my website was put in there. This system was used until the end of 2006. The layout of the website still wasn't fixed to one width nor completely flexible. At image 2 you can see the bottom of the music videos section (filmpjes). The information visible about the music videos is still available at this site. This was the name of the music video, the length, a short "about", how large the file was and who created it. Also the date when the music video went online and the creation date was added. That last function was deleted after a while because for some music videos I couldn't determine the creation date. All music videos were still hosted on several free severs on the web. All music videos were compressed using Winace at the time, later it would be winrar. This would mean that a non-windows user couldn't unpack the music videos. The focus of the website was just local/national. I know if I wanted to grow, that had to change. I had enough ideas but not enough space. Soon everything would be changed. The way the website was and the one-page design, did stay until January 2003.

Bye bye "one page website"
In January 2003 I had changed several Hard disk in my computer. This way I could set up a FTP server for my website. This way all music videos could be available for download in one file. Sometimes you needed 20 files to download before you had the music videos, Imagine the time needed. This new space triggered a jump forward in the design of Final Frontier Media. I decided to have more than one page. All sections did get a page, except the news section. A section that went really large, was the pictures section. From one page my website went to a total of 43 pages in just 6 months. That means 6 pages for the normal website (main page, sections) and 37 pages for the pictures section.
In January 2003 I had changed several Hard disk in my computer. This way I could set up a FTP server for my website. This way all music videos could be available for download in one file. Sometimes you needed 20 files to download before you had the music videos, Imagine the time needed. This new space triggered a jump forward in the design of Final Frontier Media. I decided to have more than one page. All sections did get a page, except the news section. A section that went really large, was the pictures section. From one page my website went to a total of 43 pages in just 6 months. That means 6 pages for the normal website (main page, sections) and 37 pages for the pictures section.
January 22nd, 2003

Not the design, but the language of the website was changed. I had chosen to change the language to English. Andre Posthumus helped me to translate. My English wasn't great especially my grammar (You can still see it). The section "filmpjes" was renamed to "movie clips". That's also the reason why the main music videos page was called movies.php in the design used until 2010. The focus of the website was to the picture section. Pictures of StarTrek.nl meetings were posted there and divided per user. This created a total of 37 pages in July 2003. After having some banners, I added in June 2003 a banner section. There were now a total of six sections. The FTP was a step forward, but not more. Just 16kb/s per seconds on upload and a lot of downtime.